Monday, August 10, 2009

Business Continuity Disaster Recovery and You

If you own your own business, then “business continuity” and “disaster recovery” are two major things that you should be worried about, especially since your business - like most of the others on the planet - is likely very reliant on technology like computers, networks, and servers. Today's business world has become reliant on technology to get things going and keep them going, so business owners are becoming more and more aware of the need to keep that technology in good working order. If your technology fails, then your business might also fail, and you definitely don't want that to happen.

Business continuity refers to a business's ability to remain up and running, uninterrupted or nearly so, after a disaster. Disaster recovery basically refers to the plan you make that outlines what steps and measures you need to take to ensure your business continuity. A good disaster recovery plan will be able to handle both natural disasters and those caused by people (man made disasters). Earthquake, fire, hurricanes, and flood are examples of natural disasters, and computer viruses, hackers, accidents, user errors, burglary and other similar events are examples of man made disasters.

Without proper backups and security measures in place, if any of those above mentioned disasters happen to you or your business, then you may lose all your data and important systems, not to mention potentially losing the business itself! Fortunately, there are things you can do to create a good disaster recovery plan that will ensure your business stays up and running no matter what. The most important part of it is to have backups of your data created. Make copies of all your data manually or by using software designed to do the job, and then save it to an external hard drive or burn it to a stack of clearly labeled and organized DVDs or CDs. Then go another step further and invest in some offsite backup services - that way, even if your office burns down, your data is still safe and sound somewhere else.

You can also invest in some high quality surge protectors that will help minimize the damage a power surge can do to delicate computer equipment, and make sure that you have fire extinguishers and fire alarms handy in case a fire breaks out. Also make sure that your computer equipment has good, functioning cooling mechanisms like fans, as overheating is a major cause of computer crashes and resultant data loss, and get a good anti virus program that you maintain regularly to keep it up to date and constantly protecting your computers and servers.

If you lose your data for good, then your business could be in jeopardy. Since many of us now use computers for most aspects of running a business, it is incredibly important to have precautions put in place to keep that data safe. Put together the disaster recovery plan that makes sense for you and your business's needs, and then you can rest a lot easier knowing that even if something where to happen, your business would be able to carry on.
Data-ProtectionOnline.come is where you can get your business disaster recovery, data disaster recovery, disaster recovery software, it disaster recovery, and business continuity disaster recovery solutions.


  1. I required IT disaster recovery for my IT business in UK.

  2. Completely agree... It is important to have best business disaster recovery plan. Thanks for providing best information.

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